Master mention Euro-mediterranean master in neuroscience (emn-online)
Université de Marseille

Outil proposé par l’ANEPF

Objectif de la formation

The primary aims of the EMN-Online Master are to provide learners with high level knowledge in Neuroscience and competences in cutting-edge methodologies. The students will gain autonomy and problem-solving abilities using innovative approaches. Our goal is also for the EMN-Online Master to become a key player in Neuroscience research. A high-level education in modern techniques and concepts is essential for broadening horizons in the labor market. Neuroscience is a (cross-cutting) theme that covers most aspects of biology and can therefore bridge the gap between technology and basic science. Neuroscience has a major impact in the development of new cutting-edge technologies as well as modern scientific concepts. It considers biological systems at all levels, ranging from the molecular to the most integrated levels. Neuroscience studies cannot be dissociated from a more general reflection on theoretical concepts. By questioning the nature of consciousness, the relations between human being and the environment, Neuroscience aims to answer some of the most fundamental questions of mankind. Hence, Neuroscience research topics raise bioethical concerns that force teachers and students to play active roles in the evolution of the society and in the contribution of scientific advances to this evolution.

Compétences développées


Organisation de la formation

The programme is open to candidates holding a Bachelor degree or equivalent. The students must register in one of the partner Universities. The programme duration is two academic years (120 ECTS). Courses are given in English, possibly also in French upon partner’s request. The first semester is compulsory and identical for all students. The second semester comprises elective courses available for all students. In the third semester, EMN-Online students can define their programme from the 3 following specialized tracks, relying on the partners’ expertise:
1. Molecular and cellular neuroscience
2. Integrative and system biology
3. Medical neuroscience and neuroimaging

The last semester of the Master’s degree consists of a research placement in a university laboratory or in an industrial R&D department.
A list of university laboratories who are willing to receive students for their 4th semester traineeship can be found here.
The Degree awarded is that of the host university with an additional certificate stating that the EMN-Online Master is commonly taught in the 14 partner Universities.
Contrôle de connaissances
The added value of this master’s degree lies mainly in the pooling of complementary resources and expertise, and in the synergy between the teaching and research teams of the partner universities. This enables students to widen their range of competences in fundamental and translational fields. It also compensates for some partners’ shortage of experienced Neuroscience laboratories for student practical training by making all partners’ hosting labs available.

The courses are delivered in different forms:
● e-learning through a Moodle platform
● on-site teaching with possibility of recording,
● video conferences,
Particular attention is paid to the delivery of common, teaching to all students using the aforementioned educational tools. Student assessment is also common.

The EMN-Online Master promotes student-centered approaches and encourages students to become independent. Interactive learning relies on:
● constant exchanges between students and teachers,
● group work,
● project-based activities
● flipped/inverted classroom
Condition admission / Public cible
1) Candidates should first complete and submit the common EMN-Online registration form at the following link:
2) After this initial selection, candidates may then apply directly to the University where they will follow the Master. More information and links for the application and registrations procedures at each University are given below the registration form.
Période approximative de candidature
The current application period will close on the 14th April 2023, by the end of the day. Applications received after this period will not be considered.
Lieu de formation
SCIENCES, Marseille St-Charles
Coût de la formation

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