Master mention chémoinformatique
Université de Strasbourg

Outil proposé par l’ANEPF

Objectif de la formation

Chemoinformaticians are first and foremost chemists, with an experimental practice of Chemistry. Therefore, this Master program combines high level training in Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry and Chemoinformatics, Computer Sciences and Data Sciences and requires good skills in Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Structural Chemistry. The program includes lectures and tutorials on Chemoinformatics, Molecular Modeling, Quantum Chemistry as well as Software Programming and Database Management. Recent developments in Statistics and Machine Learning, specifically Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, are also addressed.

Compétences développées

The ChEMoinformaticsPlus degree opens professional perspectives to the graduated students in various fields. As chemoinformaticians, they can start an academic career in research or teaching through the doctoral schools of the members of the consortium and prepare a PhD. They can also work as data and software engineers, specialized in chemical applications. Typical jobs are researcher, teacher, application scientist, software developper, data scientists, software quality control, project manager, consultant or sales representative.

Organisation de la formation

Organisation de la formation Within this two years’ program of study, students chose among the following six study tracks including one year in one university of the consortium and one year in another one :
● In Silico Design of Bioactive Molecules (Strasbourg – Milan – Paris)
● Chemoinformatics and Physical Chemistry (Milan – Strasbourg)
● Chemoinformatics for Biophysical and Computational
● Chemistry (Ljubljana – Strasbourg)
● Chemoinformatics for Organic Chemistry (Lisbon – Strasbourg)
● Ultra Large Chemical Library Design and Virtual Screening (Kiyv – Strasbourg)
● Chemoinformatics and Materials Informatics (Bar Ilan – Strasbourg)

Each track includes training in an academic laboratory or in the industry. In the end, the graduates obtain a double diploma of the involved institutions.
Contrôle de connaissances
Évaluation en contrôle continu intégral.
Condition admission / Public cible
● Être titulaire d’un M1 de chimie en adéquation avec la filière de M2 choisie, ou d’un diplôme reconnu équivalent par la commission pédagogique
● Être retenu par la commission pédagogique lors d’un entretien lorsque le dossier a été jugé recevable
● Être accepté par un responsable de laboratoire pour le stage de fin de master

Given the multidisciplinary nature of this master program, students from other universities or other master programs may be accepted after evaluation of their background. A valid M1 is necessary at any time. Students may be invited for an interview before each admission.
It is noted that sufficient command of English is necessary, knowledge of French is desirable. As already said, all lectures are performed in English, including evaluation
Période approximative de candidature
Lieu de formation
Faculté de Chimie, campus esplanade,
1 rue Blaise Pascal – BP 20296
67000 Strasbourg
Coût de la formation
Responsables pédagogique :
MARCOU Gilles : |
VARNEK Alexandre : |
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