DU Artificial Intelligence for Public Health (AI4PH)
Université de Marseille

Outil proposé par l’ANEPF

Objectif de la formation

The application of artificial intelligence -AI- to medicine can contribute to the improvement of population health. This course focuses on the challenges, needs, implications and methods of artificial intelligence for public health. Designed with a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, it will allow the students to acquire knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence applied to public health, by combining algorithmic and modelling knowledge with contextualised understanding and critical thinking

Compétences développées


Organisation de la formation

Formation sur 1 an
Contrôle de connaissances
Condition admission / Public cible
● This course is aimed at students in the second cycle of medical, pharmaceutical and odontology disciplines as well as doctors, pharmacists and dental surgeons.
● Students who have obtained a scientific M1, an engineering school diploma or a diploma considered equivalent by the teaching staff, with excellent marks, in one of the following disciplines: statistics, computer science, public health, epidemiology, mathematics, economic and social sciences are welcome as well.
● Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English. Students whose first language is not English must provide an English certificate with at least the B2 level or equivalent.
Période approximative de candidature
Lieu de formation
Coût de la formation
Tarif en formation initiale : 534 euros
Tarif en formation continue : 1569 euros
Pr Roch GIORGI : roch.giorgi@ap-hm.fr
Geneviève NOIR : 04 91 32 46 00 / sesstim-enseignement@univ-amu.fr
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