Master mention Artificial Intelligence for One Health (master en anglais)
Université de Grenoble

Outil proposé par l’ANEPF

Objectif de la formation

It aims to train students in new developments and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in health :
● Methodological aspects
● Ethical and legal aspects
● Application for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients
● Robotics, GMCAO (Computer Aided Interventional Medicine and Surgery)

Compétences développées

The competencies acquired during the two semesters and thematic schools will equip students to straightaway assume leadership roles in many areas related to Precision Medicine. After completing their studies, graduates will predominantly work as health professionals, engineers in the medical and MedTech sectors, or in data management.

Organisation de la formation

Contrôle de connaissances
Condition admission / Public cible
● Health students (Medicine, Pharmacy, …)
● Master of Engineering for Health students
● Master in Math-Info fields who want to extend their knowledge to health fields
● International students in the fields of Health, Biology, Mathematics, IT who have validated 240 equivalent ECTS
Période approximative de candidature
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