Master mention chimie moléculaire et supramoléculaire
Université de Strasbourg

Outil proposé par l’ANEPF

Objectif de la formation

The knowledge and skills gained at the end of the Chemistry Master’s program will allow students to start a research activity by preparing a PhD or to integrate as an executive in the corporate world. Thanks to the strong involvement of major research laboratories, those skills are as close as possible to the state of the art. The implementation of two M1 core curriculums guarantees the acquisition of knowledge and skills in all the fundamental fields of molecular, supramolecular, physical, analytical and theoretical chemistry. Diversification of training methods is ensured via the M1 experimental project in a research laboratory (3 months) and the M2 internship in a laboratory or in a company (5 months).
The different courses of the Chemistry Master provide a first-rate scientific training in chemistry and offer specializations in all the fields for which Strasbourg’s research expertise is recognized internationally.

Compétences développées

● Making an inventory, in a synthetic way, of a field of research or activity
● Defining and analyzing a scientific problem
● Identifying and implementing the different stages of its resolution
● Being part of and contributing to a collective work
● Identifying the roles, missions and organization of a working team
● Synthesizing data results and opening perspectives
● Presenting and justifying its results and activity
● Interacting with partners or specialists from other fields
● Acquire the experimental skills necessary for a laboratory’s activity
● Analyze, understand and implement a research methodology
● Communicate clearly and precisely, both in writing and orally, by mastering current communication tools.
● Master English in a professional context.
● Master at a « beginner » level the skills of an executive in its field of activity.
● Linking knowledge from different fields
● Formulate rigorous reasoning
● Work independently by setting priorities, managing time and self-assessment
● Research and produce a summary note from bibliographical documents
● Assess the quality (reliability and validity) of the information and its sources.
The expected and observed professional op portunities depend strongly on the field of expertise of the master degree. All the courses (except for the work-study program) prepare students for integration in good conditions within a doctoral school in France or abroad. The clearly stated objective of the Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry (CMS) program, Physical Chemistry and Materials (CPM) program, Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry (CMM, at Mulhouse University) program and Chemistry, Biology and Medicinal Products (CBM) program, as well as the specific EUR courses in Complex Systems Chemistry (EUR CSC) and Biophysicochemistry (BPC) program, is to offer a high-level training in the dedicated fields so that students can continue their doctoral studies. The Analytical Sciences for Bio-Industries (SA-BI) program, which is designed to provide a professional outlet, prepares students to join companies as analytical chemistry executives at the end of their Master degree. Similarly, the Analytical Sciences (SA), Green Chemistry (CV) and Chemoinformatics (CI) programs prepare students to enter the workforce at the end of M2. The content of these courses also offers the opportunity for preparing a PhD either in academic laboratories or in contact with the industrial environment. The objective of the training course is to encourage the emergence of original research themes, in terms of both academic and industrial research. In fact, job entry in public research (higher education, public organizations) or in the private sector (research, research and development in the chemical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, including biotechnology start-ups) will be encouraged and sought after.

Organisation de la formation

32 semaines de stage, pas d’alternance possible

S3 Bloc d’UEs obligatoires :

● Organic chemistry 6 ECTS
○ Glycochemistry 10.5h
○ Heterocyclic Chemistry 10.5h

● Inorganic chemistry 6 ECTS
○ Bioinorganic chemistry 12h
○ Homogeneous catalysis 12h

● Organic/inorganic interface 6 ECTS
○ Advanced supramolecular chemistry 12h
○ Radical chemistry and photochemistry 10.5h

S3 Bloc d’UEs à choix (pour un total de 12 ECTS) :

● Asymmetric synthesis and retrosynthesis 3 ECTS
○ Asymmetric Synthesis and Retrosynthesis 24h

● Light-induced processes in molecular and supramolecular systems 3 ECTS
○ Light-induced processes in molecular and supramolecular systems 24h

● Radiochemistry molecular probes for in vivo imaging 3 ECTS
○ Radiochemistry molecular probes for in vivo imaging 20h
○ Travaux dirigés : 6h

● Introduction to biology and fluorine chemistry 3 ECTS
○ Chemistry of Fluorine 10.5h
○ Introduction to chemobiology 10.5h

● Medicinal chemistry and industrial aspects 3 ECTS
○ Industrial synthesis of bioactive compounds 10.5h
○ Introduction to medicinal chemistry 10.5h

S3 Bloc d’UEs Etudiants ECPM :

● Introduction to biology and fluorine chemistry 3 ECTS
○ Chemistry of Fluorine 10.5h
○ Introduction to chemobiology 10.5h

● Medicinal chemistry and industrial aspects 3 ECTS
○ Industrial synthesis of bioactive compounds 10.5h
○ Introduction to medicinal chemistry 10.5h

● Synthetic strategies and retrosynthetic analysis 6 ECTS
○ Synthetic strategies and retrosynthetic analysis 30.33h
○ Natural product biosynthesis 10.5h
Contrôle de connaissances
Condition admission / Public cible
● Être titulaire d’un M1 de chimie en adéquation avec la filière de M2 choisie, ou d’un diplôme reconnu équivalent par la commission pédagogique
● Être retenu par la commission pédagogique lors d’un entretien lorsque le dossier a été jugé recevable
● Être accepté par un responsable de laboratoire pour le stage de fin de master
Période approximative de candidature
Lieu de formation
Faculté de Chimie, campus esplanade,
1 rue Blaise Pascal – BP 20296
67000 Strasbourg
Coût de la formation
Responsable pédagogique :
HEITZ Valérie :

Responsable administratif :
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