Master mention Recherche et développement en microbiologie
Université de Grenoble

Outil proposé par l’ANEPF

Objectif de la formation

The course is devoted to functional polymers used in biomedical applications and fields linked to renewable energies, environment and sustainable development. This master program involves training in and through research in polymers and gives students possibility to work within a company through additional professional training.
Professionally speaking, the jobs available to students after the master programs lie in research and development laboratories of polymer producers (chemical industry) and in industries using polymers such as microelectronics, optoelectronics, fuel cells and batteries, biomedicine, cosmetics, energy storage and conversion and coatings.

Compétences développées

Poursuite d’études :
Les poursuites d’études envisagées sont de deux types. Les étudiants qui ne souhaitent pas faire de thèse de doctorat entrent soit directement sur le marché du travail, soit suivent un deuxième master pour acquérir des compétences transverses, souvent dans une école de commerce. Les étudiants issus de la formation qui souhaitent poursuivre leurs études par une thèse trouvent un financement de thèse.

Secteurs d’activité :
Le diplômé peut prétendre à des emplois de cadre technique ou cadre de recherche et développement dans le domaine public (laboratoires de recherches) ou privé (entreprises productrices ou utilisatrices de polymères) :
– Fabrication et production
– Recherche fondamentale ou appliquée, expérimentation en laboratoire ou sur le terrain
– Mise au point de techniques, installation, maintenance et vente d’appareillages
– Suivi et contrôle qualité
– Analyses
– Transmission du savoir, diffusion des connaissances, communication et animation scientifiques, enseignement

Organisation de la formation

The first year of the 1st year’s master in Chemistry leads to four master 2nd year programs : ChemTechCo, CLS, PTA and SOIPA. The different first semester courses offer a scientific knowledge in chemistry and its interfaces with life sciences and polymeric materials. During the course, the students will acquire the disciplinary skills vital for any type of chemist (in particular analytical methods, spectroscopy, experimental and bibliographic techniques, amongst others). By choosing the polymers courses, students inclined towards the functional polymers 2nd year’s program will also acquire knowledge in the synthesis of polymers with controlled architecture, and in the conformational and configurational analysis of polymers. These classes are supplemented by cross-disciplinary classes focused on languages and graduate employment and by a mandatory internship (from 2 to 5 months) which enables students to get to grips with working in a team, in an academic or industrial setting, in France or abroad.

This program’s aims at giving students the necessary knowledge in polymer science, and at teaching them the novel methods of synthesis, design and characterization of polymer materials with specific properties. These fields are closely connected to the AXELERA, TENERRDIS and PLASTIPOLIS business clusters as well as to the French National Solar
Energy Institute (INES) and the POLYNAT Carnot Institute.
These fields are closely connected to the AXELERA, TENERRDIS and PLASTIPOLIS business clusters as well as to the French National Solar Energy Institute (INES) and the POLYNAT Carnot Institute.
Contrôle de connaissances
Contrôle continu et examens terminaux
Rapports et oraux
Condition admission / Public cible
Second year master’s degree: to be eligible to apply you should have completed, or be enrolled in a first year of a master program in Science, and totalize 60 ETCS.

Continuous education : Students fall under the continuous education scheme if they :
– go back to studies after an interruption of two years or more
– did follow a continuous education programduring one of the two previous years
– are employees, independent entrepreneurs or registered as job seekers
Période approximative de candidature
2 application campaigns are organized for the PTA master 2nd year
● Campaign 1 : Open campaign on e-candidate from 27 March to 14 April 2023
● Campaign 2 : Open campaign on e-candidate from 24 April to 12 May 2023
Lieu de formation
Coût de la formation
Responsable pédagogique :
Anna Dr Szarpak :

Contact administratif :
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